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5 Green Cleaning Strategies You Can Implement

green cleaning service

Green cleaning is becoming a very important part of our lives in New York. As we begin to see the ill effects of using toxic and non-biodegradable substances, we are slowly changing our cleaning tactics and strategies. In this blog, we will look at the green cleaning service and the 5 strategies that you can implement today!

While green cleaning eschews the use of non-biodegradable or toxic products, it makes use of tried and tested products like water, lemon, vinegar, and baking powder. So what are the 5 green cleaning strategies you can implement? Check it out here!

Hire a Cleaning Company that Provides Steam Cleaning

If you are unable to do the cleaning by yourself at home, hire a professional cleaning company. Ensure that they offer steam cleaning for rugs, carpets, floors and homes. Steam cleaning is the most beneficial form of making a space pristine. It kills germs while simultaneously making the space dirt-free.

Use Multi-purpose Products wherever Possible

If you are opting for green cleaning services, try to make use of multi-purpose products wherever possible. For instance, use the same cleaning product for fabric cleaning, stain removal and fragrance. This will certainly help to cut down on the number of products that you are using to get the house clean. Moreover, here is another tip for you. Use refill packs instead of purchasing new ones. Go green completely we say!

Embrace a Minimalistic Lifestyle

While it isn’t possible for us to tell you what sort of lifestyle you should have, cleaning becomes easy if you are a minimalist. A minimalist is a person who buys less stuff and lives on only the essentials. Doing so, can narrow your cleaning needs and help you to keep a greener, cleaner household. Moreover, minimalists try to protect the environment by using green products.

Better Air Quality

Aim for better air quality on your premises by completely avoiding chemical products. Chemical products can give off fumes which have a negative impact on the air quality. Hence, make use of green products, only like lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar and other natural products to clean. A green cleaning service helps to maintain better air quality by making use of steam cleaning and green cleaning.

Use Sunshine for Drying

Good old UV rays come to the rescue for drying and sanitising the cleaned fabrics like kitchen washcloths etc. Sunshine is known in the green cleaning world as the greatest cleaner of all, as it can de-odourise and disinfect as well.


Hence, opt for a green cleaning service instead of chemical cleaning. Not only is it good for the household, but it is also good for the air, the environment, pets and children. So choose green cleaning in New York City.

This method is safer, less hurtful to the environment and a cleaning choice you should definitely opt for today!